
silly smart ideas

“Product as Platform” solo project, University of the Arts, London, April 2017

Quick and dirty prototyping; Design Improvisation methods; Live user testing; Physical Computing (Arduino); Laser cut workshop; Illustrator; After Effects; Synthetic Presentation; Using narratives

The brief

With the aid of agile methods (design improvisation, dreamscaping, cultural probes etc.) and the implementation of Arduino coding, design a solution for a small everyday problem.

The project

  1. First approach with Dreamscaping and Cultural Probes methods, to help with the choice of the subject.

  2. First definitions of the idea through quick and dirty prototyping

  3. Building a small part of the technology with Arduino coding.

  4. Design improvisation for user experience trials and concept refinement

  5. Polished prototyping and building of an effective and quick 5' presentation

the outcome

How many times, starting a new project, have I been stuck and cannot move forward or give birth to any relevant ideas?

This is probably one of the most common issues in the young designer's everyday life. My solution is basically an analog dreamscaping, a braintrainer which gives you a bit of inspiration, a tiny starting point from which you may find the idea of the century. It's kind of a distraction tool which, turning your perspective upside-down, helps you to produce ideas in a very short time.


From quick and dirty prototyping...

From quick and dirty prototyping...

... to a polished prototype

... to a polished prototype

Idea Box - Opened

Idea Box - Opened

Arduino Coding

Arduino Coding

References Dr. Matt Malpass, Dr. Nicholas Rhodes (MA Industrial design Course Coordinator)